We evaluate new patent dispute matters from all angles to identify which line of attack or negotiation is most suitable and can respond flexibly to achieve desired commercial outcomes. Baxter IP handles all manner of dispute matters from infringement and validity analyses to cease & desist correspondence, opposition matters, mediation, arbitration and Federal Court patent enforcement.
Speak to an IP attorney today.
Strong & Efficient Counsel
From determining patent infringement and sending a cease and desist letter through to a patent opposition or negotiating a dispute, our experienced patent attorneys are ready to guide you.
Assess infringement send cease & desist letters
We will articulate the strength of your position and attempt to negotiate a settlement than achieves your commercial objectives
Lodge a patent opposition
Challenge an accepted patent or trade mark application
Enforce your Patent
Whether through negotiation, alternative dispute resolution or Federal Court litigation, with our legal team.
Resolution focussed on commercial objectives
Because we have a trade mark attorney disputes team, we can prepare more robust trade mark applications.
Successful track record on IP disputes
A track record of successful client outcomes before the Federal Court, IP Australia Hearings Department and in mediation and arbitration proceedings.
Awarded IP dispute specialists
A team of 10 IP attorneys handling disputes means we are at the cutting edge of dispute strategy and processes. Our team is one of the most awarded mid-sized IP firms in Australia.
Want to Protect your idea?